Monday, November 11, 2013

Tips for trouble-free exercise

Exercise Prescription 

  • Author: Amer Suleman, MD; Chief Editor: Sherwin SW Ho, MD   more..

  • Lift and lower weights slowly to maximize muscle strength and to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Perform resistance workouts on any given muscle group every second or third day. This gives your body a chance to recover.
  • Avoid exercise that puts excessive stress on the bones, such as running or high-impact aerobics. Rowing is appropriate if proper form is used and the rowing machine provides a way to maintain continuous inertia with the use of a flywheel.
  • Stiffness is normal the morning after exercise. If pain continues for most of the following day, joints become swollen, or a limp develops, stop the program until comfortable again and reduce the weight and number of repetitions by 25-50%. If bone, joint, or muscle pain is severe, call the doctor.
  • If a particular area of the body feels sore right after exercise, apply ice for 10-15 minutes. Wrap ice in a towel or plastic bag or just hold a cold canned or bottled beverage on the spot.
  • Vary the routine to make it more interesting. For example, if the strength-building program involves 12 separate exercises, complete 6 in one session and the other 6 in the next session.

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