Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hydration tips:

Source: Backcountry.com Newsletter Articles -
Cold Sweat: Winter Dehydration - How winter conspires to dehydrate you by Chris Solomon

1. Start right. Slowly drink about 17 oz. of water more than one hour before you exercise.
2. Drink early. Studies show that people are already about 2 percent dehydrated by they time they feel thirsty.
3. Drink often. It's not rare for a hard-charging skier to perspire one quart of fluid an hour, or more. Drink 6 to 10 oz. every 15 minutes.
A general rule of thumb: Your urine should be no darker than lemonade, and ample.

Gatorade or Water?
Sports drinks may help the gut absorb fluid a modest amount faster than water alone, but water is a perfectly fine hydrator, says Dr. John Castellani, research physiologist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine's Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division. (Carry an energy bar for carbs, though.)
4. Don't stop when the lifts stop. Alcohol dessicates an already-dehydrated body. Replace sweat with water before you hit the bar or hot tub.

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